Webinar: Historic Districts & the Legal Implications to Owners
Attorney Daniel Freedman, Partner at Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP, covers what happens to Owners & Communities AFTER they are in historic districts.
Available on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/3jciO_TlBLE
Item List
What is the difference between my house being designated a Historic House versus being designated as within a Historical District?
Can't I just ask my City Council Representative to stop this effort?
This historical designation effort is making me very angry. How can I get involved?
How does a Historical Designation affect me when I want to sell?
Is my house affected?
What is a 'contributor' house versus a 'non-contributor' house?
Why are the houses affected not yet absolutely known at this time?
Why would someone want to designate my house into a Historical District?
What letter(s) do I need to write to oppose the Historical Designation?
How do I get a 'No Historical District' sign for my lawn?
What does a historical compliance review entail?
Won't I just have the opportunity to vote against a Historical Designation on my house?