Webinar: Historic Districts & the Legal Implications to Owners
Attorney Daniel Freedman, Partner at Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP, covers what happens to Owners & Communities AFTER they are in historic districts.
Available on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/3jciO_TlBLE
How to Object AFTER the
State Historic Preservation Officer has notified property owners of Pending Historic Registration.
​If the State Historical Resources Commission has met and has decided to nominate Baywood as a historical district
Each owner or partial owner of private property on the Title has one objection regardless of what percentage of the property that person owns.
Within a district, each owner has one objection regardless of how many buildings/parcels they own.
Within 45 DAYS of the date on the letter you will receive in the mail (be on the lookout Feb - June of 2024)
Objection Letter
State Historic Preservation Officer
Office of Historic Preservation
1725 23rd St, Suite 100
Sacramento CA 95816-7100
To the State Historic Preservation Officer,
I would like to formally object to the property, of which I am an owner or part owner, located at address _____________________________________, San Mateo CA, being included in the proposed Baywood historic district National Register listing.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on __________, 2024
(Full Name)
TO: Amy.Crain@parks.ca.gov, info.calshpo@parks.ca.gov
BCC: support@lessredtape.com
Subject: Objection to San Mateo Baywood Historic District Designation - Your Street Address
Dear Office of Historic Preservation,
Please find attached, my signed Objection Letter to the Baywood Historic District nomination.
Could you please confirm your receipt, add my letter to the file and/or let me know if you have any concerns with my Objection Letter?
I am also mailing a hard copy to the office.
Your Name
Your Street Address
(Click on image to see sample letter.)